About Garden Grown Trees

Hey, we’re Michael and Az. We’ve rescued hundred of olive trees from all around Victoria. And we’re still going.

… So how does an established, family-run landscape construction business wind up tending to an olive grove, anyway?

Well, it’s a great question.

It all started in 2016 when we stumbled upon an opportunity to transplant a few twenty-year-old olive trees for a client. And, a couple of years later, when we connected with the owner of the grove in Flinders, Victoria, we found out he was willing to sell not just one — but all — of his beautiful, one-of-a-kind, mature trees. Trees that would otherwise be destined for clearing.

With that, an idea was born. We got our hands dirty and began rehoming olive trees.

But we didn’t stop there.

We began travelling around Victoria in search of ex-orchard olive trees that needed a second chance at life. We imported a tree spade from Canada (call him Spadey) to help us gently relocate our in-ground olives to their new forever home.

Today, we’ve got Australia’s largest range of mature ex-orchard olive trees. Smooth and potted trees through to the wild and gnarly — we’re a home for them all.

Because like humans, we believe every tree has its own story to tell. Decades of growth.

A lifetime of beauty. Years spent gathering wisdom, wrapped up in its unique details, shape and form.

When you visit our olive grove in Flinders, Victoria, we’ll walk you through our olive varieties and help you find your one-of-a-kind tree. A tree that’s taken decades — even a lifetime — to grow.

A living, breathing and sculptural piece of art like no other.

The Garden Grown Trees difference

Largest range

We’ve got the largest range of olive trees in Australia, with a variety of different types, forms, heights, widths and pruning styles. We have trees to suit balconies, courtyards, acreages, hedges and more.

Treated with care

As experienced landscapers, we know how to care for and maintain your mature tree. We prune our trees in a way that maintains the maximum hardwood canopy, as well as use transporters that are familiar with tree handling.

20 – 80 years old

Olive trees of this age are rare to find. With trunk widths up to 700mm, you have to see our trees to truly understand their impressive size and scale. With us, you don’t need to wait decades to enjoy a mature tree.

Book a private tour of the olive grove

Wander through the olive grove and find the right tree for your home or project.