It’s not every day you come across a family who travels around the state rescuing and rehoming olive trees. So, we’re not surprised you have a few questions. 

I’ve got a question about your trees

What olive tree varieties do you have?

Right now, we have 7 different varieties available from groves around Victoria, including Signore, Verdale, Nevadillo Blanco, Frantoio, Manzanillo and one mystery. This may change over time as we rehome our current trees and source new varieties. 

What are the differences between olive tree varieties? 

If you’re not planning to harvest the fruit, the differences between varieties are mostly aesthetic. Each tree also varies by size, structure, age and the pruning style of the originating grove. For this reason, we encourage you to focus less on the variety and visit our olive grove to find a tree aesthetic that matches your space. 

How old are your olive trees?

Our mature, advanced trees have lived a life with stories to tell. They range from 20 to 85 years old — which is what makes them so unique. Their sizes range from big to really, really, really big.

Are your olive trees expensive? 

We’re talking about trees up to 80 years old here. So, you can expect them to cost more than a tiny sapling from your local nursery. In most cases, you wouldn’t be able to grow a tree this impressive in your lifetime!

But when you compare the scale of an ex-orchard olive tree to one that’s nursery-grown, we come in around 40% cheaper per centremetre of calliiper width. That means you get a whole lot more trunk thickness bang for your buck.

If you want an up-to-date price guide or to visit our grove, get in touch.

How heavy are your olive trees? Do I need a machine to lift them?

Depends on the tree you pick. Our trees weigh from 150kg up to a whopping 3 tonne (the majority are below 450kg). 

Our smaller trees can be manhandled into place with you and a couple of mates (usually in exchange for a slab of beer, but that’s none of our business). Our heavier trees need a machine, and can be delivered by crane truck or semi-trailer. If you have your planting hole prepped and ready to go, and it’s within 13 metres of crane reach, our contractor will happily drop your tree into place. You can also speak to your local landscaper to help with placement.

Do your ex-orchard olives fruit?

Yes, all of our trees fruit (if that’s what you’re hoping for). On the flipside, if you’d like to discourage fruiting, that’s also possible.

I’m thinking of making oil with your trees. Will that work? 

Yes, you can make oil with all of our trees.

I want an olive tree with minimal fruit. Can you help? 

Yes. For many of us, olive trees are purely aesthetic. If you want to reduce your yield, you can prune your olive tree in October each year and be a little less generous with watering to discourage fruiting.

Your trees are too big. Do you have smaller trees? Do you have seedlings?

We specialise in mature, advanced trees, with our smallest tree around 150kg. So if you’re looking for seedlings and small olive trees, your local nursery is your best bet.  

I really want an old and mature olive tree, but I don’t have much space. Do you have a tree for me?

Our Merricks range is the smallest of our mature olive trees — perfect for pots, well-lit indoor spaces and balconies. 

Do you only have olive trees?

Ex-orchard olive trees are our thing. But from time to time, we stock “not olives”. These include other salvaged mature trees, like crepe myrtles, citrus and peppercorns. 

When can I expect my pollarded tree to have a full canopy? 

We get it — you’re hanging for that lush, green canopy. The good news is that olives react well to a hard prune and begin to show signs of regrowth within 3-6 months (depending on the time of year). You can expect a full canopy within a few years. When visiting our grove, we’ll show you trees at different stages of regrowth so you know what to look forward to. 

I’ve got a question about your olive grove

Can I visit your olive grove?

Yes, it’s encouraged! It’s hard to understand the scale of our trees without seeing them in person. You’ll be able to see the difference between the size, structure and varieties of our mature olives. And just like selecting a beautiful piece of art, you’ll be able to wander through our grove and choose a tree that speaks to you. 

What are your opening hours? 

We’re open by appointment only. Get in touch to arrange a private tour of our grove. 

Where are you located?

Flinders on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula (around 1 hour south of Melbourne). 

You have so many trees! How do I choose the right one?

We find visiting our grove is the best way to find your living, breathing work of art. 

When choosing a tree, you should also consider your needs, space, access, budget and design requirements. Are you looking for hedging olives to hide from your neighbours? A compact tree in a pot? A gnarly statement? 

Come and see our grove for yourself and we’ll find the perfect match. 

I’ve got a question about delivery and installation

These are BIG trees you have. How do you get them from A to B? 

Big trees need big trucks. Thankfully, we’ve got connections with transporters that are familiar with moving trees of all shapes and sizes. 

  • Our crane trucks have a 13m reach and can help place the tree in a prepared hole.

  • Larger trees can be delivered by a semi-trailer. 

  • If you’d prefer to pick up your tree, we can help load the tree onto your vehicle or trailer if the size allows. 

  • Our compact mature trees (like the Merricks Range) may be small enough to manhandle with a few mates.

Will you plant the tree for me? 

We’ll happily deliver your tree to you (and place it in a prepared hole if the crane truck can reach). However, we don’t offer planting. What we will do is prepare you with installation guidelines and answer any questions. 

Can you hold my tree until I am ready for it?

Yes! If you pay a 50% deposit, we’ll hold, care for, and sing to your tree for as long as needed.

Can I order your trees online?

We recommend you come and see our trees for yourself. That way, you can find one that really speaks to you. But if you’re short on time or live further away, you can order through us. Get in touch to find out more.